Monday, October 27, 2008


The film that we watched helped me to better understand what is going on in this factories. Before this film, I had wondered what resistance was going on; the film answered this question. Listening to these women speak about what they are going through, and what they had been through was extremely interesting, but also disconcerting. It's amazing what these women have been through.
Something that stood out to me was when they were talking about the color of smocks that the workers were wearing. Even, or especially, in this setting there are class systems. Seeing and realizing this helped me connect and in a way understand in my own way these women.

1 comment:

marcus said...

I personally agree with you when it comes to this film. After all the hard work that these women put in everyday, I think it’s sad that they get back so little. I also thought it was interesting that even in the conditions that the women were still set apart or divided. What was up with that? Why do you think that happens? You are a good blogger and your wisdom and word choice is a treat for me to read. Keep up the good work!